Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Sunday, July 26

It's so good to be back home to her, and to YOU!!!

Thanks for such a warm reception back on Sunday. It's so good to be back home and the choir luncheon was wonderful! You all are such a delight.

Here is what is on the schedule for this week:

Praise and Worship:
Blessed Be Your Name
Days of Elijah
Your Name
Mighty to Save

Choir Song: "He's Been Good" (from Obvious)

Colors: Your choice this week!

Just FYI if you were not at rehearsal Sunday I made an announcement that all the background check forms have been mailed for the prison and we are just waiting for everyone to get their clearances to schedule a date to go minister. So finally this will be soon upcoming! Yay!

Also, I will fill you in later as to why but for right now please tentatively mark August 30 as a special date, both Sunday morning and Sunday night. If some things are confirmed this week that we are planning, that will be a very special day that I need you all in a big way.

Let's be in prayer for great things from God this week in our services. Also please continue to pray for Cathy Garland's mother, Debbie Bridges.

Love you all!

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