Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Missions Convention Weekend

This is it! The missions convention is here in just a few days.

On Sunday morning the choir will do "Everywhere" and "Spirit of God."

Sunday night we will do all four songs - "Everywhere", "Until Every Nation", "Spirit of God" and "We'll Build Your Church Lord." If you haven't already, memorize, memorize, memorize!!!

Sunday morning wear whatever you like because we're going to do robes on Sunday AM. Sunday night is going to be ALL BLACK. That's right, SOLID BLACK.

Sunday morning rehearsal times are as usual and on Sunday night the choir is needed at 5 pm at the church. Please plan accordingly.

Worship for Sunday morning is:

God is Moving
Days of Elijah
Mighty to Save
Hear us from Heaven

Please don't forget that in preparation for this great WORLD IMPACTING WEEKEND, we are having prayer at the church from 11 pm - 1 am on Friday night, followed by fellowship at IHOP. Also there is a 24 hour prayer shift going on Saturday from 10:30 until Sunday at 10:30. We must PAY THE PRICE for our next level. Reaching the world costs something. Yes it costs our finances but also our prayer power. C'mon, it's time to DIG IN, not time to SIT BACK. You are the warriors on the frontline and every one of you is needed to STEP UP TO THE PLATE AND P.U.S.H. (Pray until something happens.)

Let's go forth and impact nations!!!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Worship Line Up for May 25

Okey Dokey everybody, heads up for this Sunday ~

Blessed Be Your Name
God is Great
How Great is Our God/How Great Thou Art
Give Us Clean Hands

Choir Song: You Are from the Obvious Collection

Colors ~ Black and Red

Reminder to all choir members to come prepared to rehearse the first 4 songs in the missions musical book - preferably memorized! We will use any extra time this week for a run through. Eat your CD's!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Tonight's Choir Prayer Requests

Becky - summer care for the kids; also prayer for her husband

Aida - sister Lois diagnosed with breast cancer - has spread; 3 small kids...pray for miracle.

Dawn - work schedule. Pray for a miracle.

Kirstie - band teacher - appendicitis; also wisdom for decisions

Susan - direction

Cathy T - David = training and tests upcoming

Mallory - currently in last semester for Master's - writing thesis

Margaret - for Donna

Tina - for Devon

Alex Rivera - sick

Missions Convention

Our economy

Monday, May 12, 2008

The 4-1-1 for Sunday, May 18

Photo from this past Sunday...you guys did a great job!
What a service!

Worship Songs for this Sunday:
Trading My Sorrows
Here I am to Worship
Shout to the Lord
All Things are Possible

Choir song for this Sunday:
"Shout it Out"

Colors for this Sunday:
Black and white

Master Plan for this Sunday:
God's gonna move. How much? Depends on how much you and I pray, so let's get busy!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

50 day challenge comes to and end, but it's only the beginning of what God will do!!!

Recently in our leadership meeting, Bernie Currie reminded our leaders of the old saying that someone once said - "Some people make things happen. Some people sit back and refuse to get involved as they watch other people make things happen. Some people just look around and wonder, "what just happened?"

I don't know about you but I want to be part of the group that chooses to make things happen. The biggest ways we do that are through praying, fasting, expectancy and serving!! Our team is an important part of that at Northside. And in this year of increase, we must increase our fasting, praying, expecting and serving! As we do I believe we will move past the small streams of refreshing, anointing and power we have experienced and move into what will seem like a water fall of God's Spirit, just rushing over our lives, our families, our church! We can't just sit back and wait for it, we have to press in and believe. This is the will of God for us. Okay, enough preaching there, I'll give you the 4-1-1 on Sunday:

Things to note for Sunday morning, May 11:

Praise and worship songs:

God is Moving
Days of Elijah
Mighty to Save
Hear us From Heaven

Choir song: It's in Jesus

Colors: This Sunday is Mother's Day and I want all Moms to be able to wear the color and outfit of their choice, yet I would like us to be especially uniform for this week's service, so this week will be "robe Sunday" but you will get to wear your "choice outfit" (with it showing) when not on the platform. Thanks!

This Sunday concludes the 50 day challenge. I don't know about you but I am believing for BIG things as we continue on. Let's let God be God in His house! It's time for the next level. It's time, time, time!

Frontline and band - 8 am; Choir at 8:30 - don't be late!

Also choir please remember to practice the daylights out of the first three songs in your "Everywhere" book. Let's have it ready to go and power packed.

~ I love you all ~

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Tonight's prayer requests from choir practice

Jordan - applied for many jobs - pray for God's will

Susan - sinus problems

Cathy T's boss Shannon - son Sam has bump on head - possible brain problems. Pray for healing.

Hunter - last operation is supposed to last for 4 years - having issues, may have to have another operation.

Cathy G's Mom - stomach problems

Becky - family is sick

Bonnie - daughter Tasha for job situation

Pastor Lindsay - complete healing for foot after recent surgery.