Monday, April 18, 2011

Easter Sunday, April 24

Worship Set
Rise and Sing
Celebrate, Jesus Celebrate
Lead Me to the Cross
Mighty to Save

I will do special music during the offering.  This will give opportunity for a brief break for the choir/frontline to go off stage and have some water and sit down (in the choir room).  When you go offstage for the greeting time after greeting our guests just go into the choir room and have a seat until it's time for the musical.  You will come back out after this for the choir musical.   In doing things this way there should be no need to bring water bottles and such on the stage.  (Note:  PLEASE BRING YOUR OWN BOTTLED WATER, ETC. FOR THE CHOIR ROOM ON SUNDAY.)

Song for altar call:  "Moving Forward"  (will include band, frontline, choir)

We will stay on stage during Pastor Larry's brief mini-message and altar call -- at the conclusion of that we will have another song during a special Easter Offering, we will do, "The Anthem."  This will be done with band, frontline and singers as well.

Band Members - if you have questions about keys of these songs, please see the band books on Wednesday night!
Dress for Sunday Morning: Black pants, pastel dress shirts

Don't forget your food items for the continental breakfast!!

Most of all don't forget to fast and pray for this week's service.  We are expecting amazing things.

Love and appreciate you all 

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